
Moose & Monet in the Garden at Giverny

Now Presenting...
Moose & Monet in the Garden at Giverny in Winter!

I took most of the flower photos at Shaw's Garden here in St. Louis. Monet, well, I downloaded him from the internet; and Moose is my very special (and I really mean special!) orange tabby cat. I painted the canvas a pretty green that I mixed myself, and I adhered all the photos and snowflake embellishments onto the canvas board with archival scrapbooking sticky tabs. It's the first collage I've ever made with my own photos; actually it's the first collage I've created since high school. I started it five or six months ago, and it's completion is a part of one of my 2010 goals: to finish things I start!


  1. This is very cute!!! I've always admired your talent. I'm one of your biggest fans. Please keep blessing us with your creativity!

  2. Hi There,

    How did you ever get the image only to the left & the right of your page. (not sidebar) Sorry if this is so random but I found your question on a blogspot post & i am having a heck of a time. thanks!
