My maternal grandmother was a strong, spirited woman. She came to the United States from Germany in 1923 when she was 20 years old, worked as a housekeeper and nanny, and sent most of her earnings back to the her family in Europe. It was post WWI, and Germany was devastated economically. Inflation there was so high that it took a wagonful of Deutschmarks to buy a loaf of bread.
This domino necklace, which bears her image, is a tribute to the woman who loved to laugh, dance, sing, and drink beer. As long as I can remember, she drank two Budweisers every evening, along with a few pieces of chocolate, and we believe that is one of the reasons she lived in good health until she was 96 years old. She was a totally loving and devoted grandmother and I look forward to someday being with her again... "Prosit, Grandma Becker!"
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